Hi I'm David

I am just an average Rhode Islander. I have lived in Rhode Island all my life. I grew up in Pawtucket. I was homeschooled until senior year. I spent my senior year at Shea High School. My wife, Ashely, graduated from Lincoln High School and extended her education to obtain a master's in early childhood development from Rhode Island College.
Our Path
Twelve years ago, I met my amazing wife, Ashley. We both spent part of our childhood in Pawtucket. We lived in North Providence for two years where I worked as a Sales Representative in telecommunications and worked with adults with disabilities. In 2018, my wife and I moved to Warwick. I continued to work full-time with adults with developmental disabilities. I love my job. I get to advocate for those who are not able to do so for themselves.
Over the past six years, I have watched Warwick struggle now it's time to put people over politics. Our community is struggling with the same career politician who turns a deaf ear to their constituents. I will make sure all of my constituent's voices will be heard. I have kept my eyes open to the constant needs of our community.
Equality Meets Opportunity
It is difficult to open small businesses. Taxes are on the rise while community spending is misaligned with the current needs of the community. The town needs to strengthen its foundation by tackling current issues in the treasury rather than creating new distraction projects.
I hope to bring the constitution to the forefront. Where we can recite such unalienable rights privileged to us by its form as citizens and legal residents of this great state. This will allow for the ability to make an honest living to support our families through appropriate education of best practice standards. I will, with your help, pass useful legislation for Warwick constituents and this great State of Rhode Island.
We will return to the rule of law, appropriate education, essential healthcare, and good business practices. I will be the voice for everyone in my district. You will NOT be ignored. I hope to represent you! It would be an honor and privilege to serve the people of Warwick.
Enough Is Enough.